Word at Work February 21, 2015

Scripture: Exodus 20:17

Commandment number ten declares that we shall not covet our neighbor’s house, his wife, his manservant or his maidservant, nor his ox, nor anything that our neighbor has. We have to choose to be willing and content with what we have. If we are and trust God and learn to walk that way, then we can fully expect the blessing of the Lord and we can expect to qualify to pray judicially. Where do we stand in keeping the Ten Commandments? Do we desire to be fully pleasing to the Lord and to move forward in a posture of anointed integrity? The Ten Commandments outline the biblical morality that every generation needs! This standard does not change according to the times we live in. It is a constant because it is founded in God’s Word. When we choose to line up our lives with God’s righteous standard, we choose life, and we choose blessing!