Word at Work April 18, 2019

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Word at Work April 17, 2019
April 17, 2019
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Word at Work April 19, 2019
April 19, 2019

Word at Work April 18, 2019

Download Word at Work Bible Study

Scripture: Psalm 2:1-12

How do we pray judgment on wayward judges? We always want to do the wise thing, and the safest thing is to pray the Word. The easiest but cowardly thing is, of course, not to go there at all. The safest path is following those fearless warriors who have gone before us. Because the early church effectively and appropriately prayed Psalm 2 when they had to pray judgment on the rulers, it is safe to say that we can also use Psalm 2. Psalm 2 specifically addresses judges and politicians. Listen to the last three verses. “Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.” If we run into wayward judges-federal, local, Supreme Court or any other judicial levels, the Spirit may very well lead us to pray Psalm 2. I remember visiting a city and going out to lunch with a couple. I heard their amazing account about the husband working for an accounting group. His bosses, unbeknownst to him were doing illegal investments to diminish tax liability. The leaders of the company knew it was an illegal scheme and used her husband as the fall guy and he ended up in jail. He trusted his boss and went to jail for it! The wife started praying while he was incarcerated because the judge had steadfastly disallowed parole. Her husband was innocent, wrongly convicted. It was the pinnacle example of unrighteous judgment. This wife cried out to God one day about this judge asking for his removal from the case. Just before the husband’s case was to be heard, another inmate appeared before him, grabbed a bailiff’s gun and shot the judge. Her husband’s case was handed to a different judge who granted parole. This case made the headlines because the man who shot the judge escaped. Then while he was on the run he broke into a woman’s house. That woman had just read ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ by Rick Warren. She persuaded this fugitive to give himself up which he did. What an amazing story about the authority of God to bring forth justice on a judge! The judge’s clerk later revealed the judge should have recused himself. It was a blatant conflict of interest due to his own personal investment with this accounting group. This is a great example of taking judgment to victory. The corrupt judge died. And there was vindication for her husband and salvation for a fugitive. What a fitting display of judgment leading to salvation! One housewife’s prayer led to a victorious outcome. God heard that prayer, judged the judge and removed him. That is the God you and I serve. He has layers of judgment that we should eventually walk in with Him. Do we see ourselves as sons and daughters who represent our Father! Why tolerate unrighteous judges? What are you and I doing? Praying Psalm 2 is a great place to start!