Word at Work April 28, 2015

Word at Work April 27, 2015
April 27, 2015
Word at Work April 29, 2015
April 29, 2015

Word at Work April 28, 2015

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 17:1-9

In 2 Chronicles 17:1-9, we find an evaluation of Jehoshaphat. He strengthened himself in Israel, the Lord was with him, he walked in the ways of his father David and he did not seek the Baals. Verse 6 says, “And his heart took delight in the ways of the Lord; moreover he removed the high places and wooden images from Judah. Also in the third year of his reign he sent his leaders, Ben-Hail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel, and Michaiah, to teach in the cities of Judah.” The entire nation was blessed because King Jehoshaphat delighted himself in the ways of the Lord. This is a clear pattern. Those who reject the way of the Lord rule only for a very short period of time. Those who embrace the ways of the Lord have a full life. King Jehoshaphat certainly did, as did a variety of the other kings. And it did not mean they were not challenged, it did not mean they did not have tremendous warfare. But in that warfare, God was with them and because they kept the way of the Lord, God went with them into battle, delivered them, and brought them into tremendous victory. King Jehoshaphat found it. He went to battle and put the praisers out in front. And then they went to collect the spoil. King Jehoshaphat achieved some awesome testimonies, and where did they come from? He chose to walk in the way of the Lord.