Word at Work November 17, 2013

Word at Work November 16, 2013
November 16, 2013
November 17, 2013

Word at Work November 17, 2013

Scripture: Isaiah 54:17, Romans 12:3

The Hebrew word translated condemn is raw-shah. The dictionary of Biblical languages with semantic domains defines condemn as our responsibility of being in a state of having done evil and so be liable for just punishment or penalty. It also means, “…to fight in a very effective manner so the enemy suffers defeat or great loss, with a focus that the enemy’s defeat is a just punishment based on the enemy’s guilt.” The condemnation part is our part. The judgment part has to be declared by us and prayed out. That is our responsibility. When the enemy comes against the church, the church is commanded to use the Word and to pray by the Spirit’s prompting God’s judicial standard according to their violation. That is where axios even in the New Testament makes certain violations of God’s morality an act worthy of termination. Weighing before the Throne salvation or termination is where the end-time church has to be ready to walk! Are we there yet?