Word at Work April 4, 2013

Word at Work April 3, 2013
April 3, 2013
Word at Work April 5, 2013
April 5, 2013

Word at Work April 4, 2013

Scripture: Matthew 16:7-12, Luke 16:14,15

Jesus clearly and in no uncertain terms warned the Twelve, “If you accept the compromised teaching that is so prevalent in the religious system, you will not be ready for what God does. Is it possible that the demonic doctrine of ultimate grace that is sweeping the church today is doing the exact same thing that Jesus warned concerning the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. A compromised message says, “There is no more judgment, and all penalty fell on Jesus.” But I suspect Herod, Ananias, Sapphira and the false prophet, Elymas, of Acts 13, and the multitudes covered in Revelation might disagree. When we ask ourselves about this teaching, Luke 16 seems to reveal the root. When compromised, demonic doctrine gets popular, it means it is sellable. You can sell it. But Jesus said to the Pharisees and the Sadducees that the reason their discernment was zero, was because they loved money more than they loved God. When you love money more than we love God, we gravitate toward doctrine that sells. And that doctrine shortens the lives of the righteous and extends the lives of the wicked. That is precisely what is happening in many western nations today – the impotent church is full of compromise. And that compromise extends the lives of the wicked and shortens the lives of the righteous. Jesus made it clear – that compromised teaching kills the discernment of God’s people.