Word at Work July 3, 2012
July 3, 2012
Word at Work July 5, 2012
July 5, 2012

Word at Work July 4, 2012

Scripture: Psalm 44:1-4 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!

I cannot think of better Scriptures for the birthday of America than Psalm 44:1-4. These verses really describe the birth of a nation with God at the core. It certainly did not come from man’s ability. The daunting task of taking on the world’s only super power with farmers was really crazy – but early Americans trusting God did it! Freedoms birthed by the Hand of God have been stolen by evil men. How do we turn evil into good? Jesus died for this process to bear fruit! I believe creative miracles are available. I believe the afflicting Hand of God can be moved on individuals who are trying to turn a nation from freedom to the bondage of evil. Will our God command victories for us? You better believe He will! Praying appropriately and biblically over the leadership of our nation is our job – as we are led by the Holy Spirit. Our God is creative! What is done in secret, He will shout from the housetops. I believe God has some creative moments for political leaders that will unmask them, reveal the roots of who they really are, where they came from and what their purposes are. Imagine the surprise of Korah, Dathan and Abiram as the earth split and they fell, screaming and alive, into hell itself. I believe that was creatively appropriate. I am praying for something creatively appropriate to redeem our nation and bring it back to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rejoice! Creative miracles are coming!