Word at Work December 14, 2010

Word at Work December 13, 2010
December 13, 2010
Word at Work December 15, 2010
December 15, 2010

Word at Work December 14, 2010

Scripture: Isaiah 14:14, Genesis 12:3

Satan says, “I will be like the Most High” or I choose to limit life’s adversity. I will do it by terracing or insulating myself with layers of protection thereby gaining wealth, power and security. Number five deals with self-preservation. Are we going to try to shield and preserve ourselves from adversity? Are we going to try to insulate ourselves through wealth? In Genesis 12 God says, “Abraham, those who curse you I will curse” since you are My plumbline. If God leads us into some dramatic adversity, will we be faithful? God leads us into places to reveal the hearts of people and establish a platform for justice. We usually don’t like it because it is hard to find God in the circumstances. But that is not our issue it is His! “I will curse him who curses you,” makes us a standard over the issue of judgment. How people treat us is how God treats them because of Covenant! Now walk it out! The battle is on. Will we choose the enemy’s path or will we choose God’s path that ultimately brings true ascension but serves His purposes and often not our own? Every ‘I will’ of God’s Covenant with Abraham declares servanthood. Every ‘I will’ of the enemy’s declares cross-less ascension. Which ‘I will’ do we choose?