Word at Work October 13, 2014

Word at Work October 12, 2014
October 12, 2014
Word at Work October 14, 2014
October 14, 2014

Word at Work October 13, 2014

Scripture: Jeremiah 33:19-22

Jeremiah 33:19-22 says, “And the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord: “If you can break My covenant with the day and My covenant with the night, so that there will not be day and night in their season, then My covenant may also be broken with David My servant, so that he shall not have a son to reign on his throne, and with the Levites, the priests, My ministers. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured, so will I multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to Me.”’” How strong is the covenant that God made with David? This passage tells us it is so strong that it cannot be broken. God makes it very clear to all of us who live in the earth how powerful and how strong His covenants are. He tells us the only way we can possibly interrupt the covenant of Sure Mercy that God made with David, is if we could first stop the sun from rising and setting. Then and only then could we ever possibly interrupt the covenant of Sure Mercy. And God extends that covenant not only to believers but makes a point of including the Levites and those who minister to Him. Verse 22 is very encouraging to us. It says, “As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured, so will I multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to Me.” There is an explosion coming among ministers and in believers. There is a harvest of nations to be birthed in the last days. Anything less would be an insult to the Blood of Christ. Therefore, in order for us to participate and raise up a generation who understand covenant, then we not only have to preach it to succeeding generations but we have to demonstrate it to them. How do we demonstrate covenant? We must act on it in front of them, and the rest is up to God. We tell the accounts of how we acted on covenant and what God did as a result. It looks to me like God is inviting a whole generation of ministers to start demonstrating covenant because the multiplication is guaranteed. Can anybody count the sand? That is what He is going to multiply and it goes all the way back to His promise to Abraham. And here we are, very likely at the culmination of the age, looking to participate in those days. An awesome season of covenant is about to explode in front of us.