Word at Work September 8, 2014

Word at Work September 7, 2014
September 7, 2014
Word at Work September 9, 2014
September 9, 2014

Word at Work September 8, 2014

Scripture: Matthew 24:36-44

If we read this passage carefully it should be clear to everyone in this passage that the one who was taken was taken in judgment because it is likened unto the flood in the time of Noah. The people who were taken were the people who were killed in the flood. The people who were left were those who were saved. Once they were taken they never appeared again. What is Jesus teaching? He was teaching that judgment, removes perpetrators permanently. Jesus was describing the reward for a permissive culture where anything goes and where there are a lack of restraints. Jesus was describing the season we are living in. Now how did this develop? How did we get this permissive culture? There would never be treason in the White House if there was not treason in the pulpit. We would not have this kind of permissive mentality if we did not have a permissive gospel being preached in the pulpit. The condition of the church is reflected in the condition of the nation. If the church’s primary message is permissive, then we see the result. What we have in the church is what we have in the nation. The church is the forerunner for the nation. When major denominations rejected a move of the Spirit in the later 1960’s the schism and aborting of the Spirit’s outpouring opened the door for abortion in the nation. If the church is compromised, then it is likely we see compromise in the nation. If there is perversion in the church, then it is likely there is perversion in the nation. Most problems in the nation, could be averted by jettisoning the permissive gospel of the church. Jesus taught truth, He identified strong end-time judgment and He said, “Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left.” But rest assured, because it was like the flood, Jesus was saying that judgment is coming and God is going to start removing or taking people. He is going to take people out of ministry and take people home. God is going to start taking people – are we ready? Let us live our lives so that we are ready to go whenever God calls us. Some people are going to be taken as a reward and they will not have to live through the rest of the abomination that is unfolding day by day. God will reward their life by taking them home early. They get to go early as a reward. But others will go early as a judgment. Jesus the Judge is about to visit the church – are we ready?