Word at Work July 17, 2013

Word at Work July 16, 2013
July 16, 2013
Word at Work July 18, 2013
July 18, 2013

Word at Work July 17, 2013

Scripture: Romans 1:23

Romans 1:23 says, “…and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.” Number six on the parade to destruction and loss of a nation’s sovereignty is nature worship, or the setting of creatures above man who is made in the image of God. The environmental movement today is a movement that worships mother earth. Much of it is demonically motivated with the purpose of denying the use of the resources God provided to sustain people. The environmental movement is the number one job-killer in America! And nature worship has even entered the classrooms of our children. But the movement has major consequences for America – it denies us the resources that are needed to pay for our tremendous national debt. When not one oil well is drilled on government land in eight years because of setting creatures above those made in God’s image, then it is incumbent on the church to pray Romans 1 judgment on every supporter of nature worship. When nature worship is prevalent, jobs are destroyed. People are placed in a secondary position to birds, animals and creeping things. Demons receive praise and adulation from all who promote and all who vote for these policies. God provided everything nations need to sustain their population, their people and to pay their debts. But when a country refuses to develop their God-given resources, the instigators are worthy of ongoing and continuous axios prayer until the God of Heaven does to them what they are doing to the people of their nation!