Word at Work September 2, 2011

Word at Work September 1, 2011
September 1, 2011
Word at Work September 3, 2011
September 3, 2011

Word at Work September 2, 2011

Scripture: Genesis 18, 19

                When we look at Jesus in Revelation, with fire in His eyes, it reminds us of what He did to Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis.  The Priestly Christ appears in Genesis 18, when the angel meets Abraham and tells him that he is going to Sodom and Gomorrah to find out if it is really as bad as he has heard.   Based on kindness, Abraham intercedes for Lot.  We discover in Genesis 19 that intercession is what saved the righteous just before fire was released on the wicked.  Perhaps there is no more burning issue in society today than how the church prays about those who champion Sodom and Gomorrah lifestyles.  Do the politicians mandating the teaching of homosexuality in our schools deserve an angelic visit?  One thing you can say about the fire of God in Kingly fruit number five, it cleanses the land of wickedness.  When the so called church spits in the face of God’s Word, they no longer qualify as the true church.  When I was young two terms emerged for those who disconnected believing the Bible from Christianity.  The first was ‘social gospel’ and the second was ‘country club Christianity’.  Both terms describe people now apostate because they have no conscience of sin.  This is the battle being fought even in the church.  Jesus is coming with fire in His eyes and is it any wonder that the same issues that brought fire in the Old Testament will bring it in the New.  The book of Revelation announces the release of fire.  Massive manifestation of it!